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🪙THConvert & Eco

Token Name: Cannabase Symbol: $WEED Initial Supply: 100,000 Max Supply: 1,000,000

Our economic model ensures a balanced and sustainable ecosystem for all players. Here’s how we keep things fair:

  • Earning Tokens: Start by converting $WEED into $MARIJUANA tokens. These special tokens then "farm" more $WEED, increasing your stash as you engage with the platform.

  • Tax and Rewards System: Collecting your farmed $WEED might involve a small tax, but the longer you wait, the less tax you pay. It's all about balancing instant rewards with long-term gains.

  • Fair Play: We limit the amount of $WEED one can hold and lock in initial liquidity to ensure the game remains accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

By focusing on these simplified concepts, the Cannabase project aims to attract both crypto enthusiasts and newcomers to the world of GameFi, providing an engaging platform that combines the thrill of gaming with the benefits of decentralized finance.

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